lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

Valentine's Day

     Valentine's Day, 14  February, is dedicated to people in love! On 14 February sweethearts celebrate Valentine's day with cards and presents. Cards can be funny, romantic or poetic. Presents can be a box of chocolates, flowers or jewellery.
     Valentine tradition was popular in Shakespeare's time . Shakespeare's characteres Romeo and Juliet are the eternal symbol of love.
     In Great Britain it is customary to send an anonymous Valentine's card or present to the person you like or love. The person must guess who wrote it !
    Today in the Unites States Valentine's Day has a bigger meaning. On this day you can send a card or present to a parent, grandparent, relative or a friend. Valentine's Day is an occasion to express love or affection to anyone.

   Have a happy Valentine's Day!

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